Today we will teach you how to run curl get and post api in php. Modern websites API is using for many purposes. Like for sending SMS, for sending EMAILs, for cloud storage, for mobile app APIs, for payment gateways. And also for integrating some native features of mobile apps or websites. If you wish to pass PHP POST array variables without submitting a form, using the PHP Curl library to another URL, you first need to have a an Array which holds all the values for the POST array. Once we have the array set, we create the variables for the destination URL and POST fields. But sending POST request and 200mg viagra buy handling errors are not easy with filegetcontents. Sending HTTP requests is very simple with PHP CURL.You need to follow the four steps to send request. Initialize CURL session. $ch = curlinit ; step 2). Provide options for the CURL session. Step by step Initialize the cURL session: $url = ''; $ch = curlinit ($url); If your. PHP CURL POST: Following are the CURL options we are going to use in curl post request. There are other lots of option which you can use with curlsetopt. For more details visit php curlsetopt. Option Value; CURLOPTURL: Request URL: CURLOPTHEADER: TRUE to include the header in the output.
simply curl post request php, curl is an open source free command line platform as well as good library for some client side to server side transferring data with base URL. curl is a powerful useful system to transfer data to many types of the protocals. this is a good method to send data between your each websites.
cURL is unrestricted therefor it can be create easy step to call HTTP Request ,also create complex types of the FTP data upload with an authentication, also can create HTTPS requests.
Steps to create curl get post calls :
php cURL is free based web software which you can use to create various lots of the requests using different types of the protocols. PHP has the many option to use cURL and in this big post, i will learn to different examples like as a cURL POST header parameters file json request.
PHP cURL Basics
PHP cURL Header
You can also update custom user define headers in your cURL http requests. For this, i will use the curl_setopt() function.
Step1: php curl initialize example
I will basically initialize based on the the php curl by calling curl_init() simple methods. And then this initation i can call curl resources methods.
There are lots of the set setting that i can use for different works with curl_setopt() methods.
Example : bool curl_setopt ( $ch_curl , $option , mixed $value );
First argument $ch_curl
A php cURL simple and easy way to handle returned by curl_init().
Second argument is setting $option
The CURLOPT_XXX option to change or update.
Third And Last argument is $value
The data value to be update on option. for example. array or any value
following are the some main PHP CURL Request settings i can use inside curl_setopt() methods
1. CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER – update it TRUE to return the results as a data string, if not update this parameter then results will resultings on page then i can use file_get_contents(‘url’) to get results.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
2. CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT – total Number of seconds to try to connect
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 60);
3. CURLOPT_URL – URL to sent curl request.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_URL, “”);
4. CURLOPT_POST – update when sending curl post request.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);
5. CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS – Array of data sent in post.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_POST, array(“mobile_code” => “M150”, “mobile_price” => “158747”));
6. CURLOPT_TIMEOUT – Number of seconds cURL will take to execute.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
7. CURLOPT_FRESH_CONNECT – Each curl call be refresh.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, true);
8. CURLOPT_USERPWD – Some rest pages/api required secure more types of the authentication to access, for these cases i will use this setting.
Example : curl_setopt($ch_curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, “YOURUSERNAME:YOURPASSWORD”);
curl_exec() call will execute for curl settings as well as return results.
curl_close() will call to free all curl resources.
Making a GET method call by curl.
Making a POST method call by curl.
Making a POST method call by curl.
Making a POST method json call by curl.
A POST request is usually made to send user collected data to a server.
php send post request curl
PHP GET/POST request
here simple PHP code to PHP GET/POST request articles learn how to generate as well as setp by step process GET and POST http requests in PHP. I use plain simple core PHP and Laravel and Symfony, Slim or any other frameworks.
HTTP request
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is an application protocol for collaborative, distributed, hypermedia information systems. HTTP protocol is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.
HTTP GET request
The HTTP GET request method http requests a step by step calling of the particluers resource.
GET requests:
- have to only be used to http request a resource
- arguments are displayed in the URL
- can be cached
- remain in the browser history
- can be any types of the custom bookmarked
- should never be used when dealing with any types of the sensitive data
- have length limits
HTTP POST request
The HTTP POST http request method sends data to the server side. this is many times used when data uploading a file or when any types of the submitting a fully web form serverside.
POST requests:
- have to be used to make a resource
- arguments are not displayed in the URL
- are never any types of the cached
- don’t remain in the browser history
- cannot be any type of the bookmarked
- can be used when dealing with any types of the sensitive data
- have no any security length limits
Php Curl Post Form Data
I hope you get an idea about curl post request php.
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